Value - Dwelling Spaces

Thursday, 14 April 2016


A conversation this morning set me thinking about how we place value or worth on ourselves and others. We live in a society that values 'doing' whether that be producing or consuming; the things that you do give you value. The danger of this of course is that we each become a little cog in a whole system of doing, and the fear is that if we stop our doing then the whole system will break down around us. At its worst this can lead to stress, burnout and actually not being able to 'do' for a period of time because you simply no longer have the capacity.

But if all we see in each other is a producer or consumer of activity, what does that say about how we value each other? What does it say about young children, people with disabilities, elderly people, homeless people, or people living in poverty who cannot get to the point of being part of the system even if they wanted to? I don't want to live in a society that ceases to value people for who they are rather than what they do.

For me this is an area where the Christian story gives a more hopeful outlook. It speaks of a God who creates human beings out of love, and places such huge value on humans that they are even created in God's image and likeness. And it does not stop there, God was not content to let us devalue ourselves through sin and hatred, but choose to make a way for us to regain our value and our status. The life, death and resurrection of Jesus announces loudly to the world that there is a God who loves us, who is abounding in mercy and forgiveness, who has created us to have purpose and value because of who we are. I know that I am only able to properly value myself when I try to see myself through the eyes of God, and when I do that I am more able to value those around me for who they are.

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